Hong Kong Yasheng Trading Limited's Hong Kong CR Number is 77579854. Incorporation Date is 09-01-2025. It's Winding up Mode is . Dissolution date is . Hong Kong Yasheng Trading Limited company is of Type.
Additional Remarks on the Hong Kong Yasheng Trading Limited company are .
CRN | 77579854 |
Company Name | Hong Kong Yasheng Trading Limited |
Chinese Name | 香港亞盛貿易有限公司 |
Active Status | Live |
Register of Charges | |
Type | See other companies with same Type - |
Winding Up Mode | |
Date of Incorporation | 09-01-2025 See companies with same Incorporation Date - 09-01-2025 |
Date of Dissolution | |
Remarks | |
Important Note | |
Tags | hong trading yasheng kong Find Similar Companies by these tags. |
Effective Date | Previous Name |
Hong Kong Yasheng Trading Limited香港亞盛貿易有限公司 | 09-01-2025 |
Hong Kong Yasheng Trading Limited was incorporated on 09-01-2025 in Hongkong.
Hong Kong Yasheng Trading Limited is classified as .
The status of Hong Kong Yasheng Trading Limited is Live.
The CR Number of Hong Kong Yasheng Trading Limited is 77579854.
* We are trying our best to keep all the data correct and up-to-date. It should be noted that it is not the primary source of the information on the company Hong Kong Yasheng Trading Limited. The official registry should always be referred for latest information.
Last Updated on 07-02-2025.