Weir & Strempel Pty.'s Australian Company Number (ACN) is 050026867 and it's Australian Business Number (ABN) is 64050026867. Weir & Strempel Pty.'s registered address is Victoria. Weir & Strempel Pty. was incorporated on 29-08-1990.
Weir & Strempel Pty. is of Australian Proprietary Company Type. Weir & Strempel Pty.'s Status is Registered.
ABN (Business Number) | 64050026867 |
ACN (Company Number) | 050026867 |
Business Name | WEIR & STREMPEL PTY. |
Company Type | Australian Proprietary Company (APTY) See other companies with same Type - APTY |
Company Class | Unlimited Company (UNLM) See other companies with same Class - UNLM |
Company SubClass | Proprietary Other (PROP) See other companies with same SubClass - PROP |
Status | Registered (REGD) |
Registration Date | 29-08-1990 |
State of Registration | Victoria (VIC) |
State Registration Number | C0347650E |
Weir & Strempel Pty. was incorporated on 29-08-1990 in Australia.
Weir & Strempel Pty. is classified as Australian Proprietary Company.
The status of Weir & Strempel Pty. is Registered.
The ACN of Weir & Strempel Pty. is 050026867.
* We are trying our best to keep all the data correct and up-to-date. It should be noted that it is not the primary source of the information on the company Weir & Strempel Pty.. The official registry should always be referred for latest information.
Last Updated on 05-05-2021.
Company Name | Registration Date | Status |
HORNNING INVESTMENTS PTY. LIMITED | 01-08-1990 | Registered |
EN DREAUX PTY. LTD. | 01-08-1990 | Registered |
SKIPDON MOTORS PTY. LTD. | 01-08-1990 | Registered |
VISION GROUP AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. | 01-08-1990 | Registered |
OZAM INVESTMENTS PTY. LTD. | 01-08-1990 | Registered |
NICOQUIT PTY. LTD. | 01-08-1990 | Registered |
ZESTRON PTY. LTD. | 01-08-1990 | Registered |
RIVER GUM PTY. LTD. | 01-08-1990 | Registered |
AFIA PTY. LTD. | 01-08-1990 | Registered |
A.G.J. CARTAGE CONTRACTORS PTY. LTD. | 02-08-1990 | Registered |
PETER MUMMERY CONSULTANTS PTY. LTD. | 02-08-1990 | Registered |
RADER PTY LTD | 02-08-1990 | Registered |
BRUCE MARSHALL & ASSOCIATES PTY. LTD. | 02-08-1990 | Registered |
ABBEYLAND PTY. LTD. | 02-08-1990 | Registered |
LADYHILL PTY. LTD. | 02-08-1990 | Registered |
A L FISHER PTY. LTD. | 03-08-1990 | Registered |
BARNRISE PTY. LTD. | 03-08-1990 | Registered |
CEYX HOLDINGS PTY. LTD. | 03-08-1990 | Registered |
LADY PORTIA FOUNDATION PTY. LTD. | 03-08-1990 | Registered |