St John Ambulance Australia (N.s.w.)'s Australian Company Number (ACN) is 001738370 and it's Australian Business Number (ABN) is 84001738370. St John Ambulance Australia (N.s.w.)'s registered address is New South Wales. St John Ambulance Australia (N.s.w.) was incorporated on 08-01-1982.
St John Ambulance Australia (N.s.w.) is of Australian Public Company Type. St John Ambulance Australia (N.s.w.)'s Status is Registered.
ABN (Business Number) | 84001738370 |
ACN (Company Number) | 001738370 |
Company Type | Australian Public Company (APUB) See other companies with same Type - APUB |
Company Class | Limited by Guarantee (LMGT) See other companies with same Class - LMGT |
Company SubClass | Company licensed under Section 383 of the Corporations Act 2001 to omit 'Limited' from its name (LISN) See other companies with same SubClass - LISN |
Status | Registered (REGD) |
Registration Date | 08-01-1982 |
State of Registration | New South Wales (NSW) |
State Registration Number | 22684047 |
Previous Name | Start Date |
St John Ambulance Australia (N.s.w.) was incorporated on 08-01-1982 in Australia.
St John Ambulance Australia (N.s.w.) is classified as Australian Public Company.
The status of St John Ambulance Australia (N.s.w.) is Registered.
The ACN of St John Ambulance Australia (N.s.w.) is 001738370.
* We are trying our best to keep all the data correct and up-to-date. It should be noted that it is not the primary source of the information on the company St John Ambulance Australia (N.s.w.). The official registry should always be referred for latest information.
Last Updated on 06-05-2021.
Company Name | Registration Date | Status |
ST JOHN AMBULANCE AUSTRALIA (N.S.W.) | 08-01-1982 | Registered |
EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH GLENWOOD | 19-01-1982 | Registered |
MEGAPOXY SALES & SERVICE PTY LTD | 15-01-1982 | Registered |
ALBRIGHT ELECTRICS PTY LTD | 28-01-1982 | Registered |
CENTRAL COAST FORMWORK PTY LTD | 14-01-1982 | Registered |
AUSTRALIAN DIRECTORS GUILD LTD | 15-01-1982 | Registered |
BUCKETTS WAY ELECTRICAL PTY LTD | 07-01-1982 | Registered |
FREEMAND PTY LTD | 04-01-1982 | Registered |
EXCENTI PTY LTD | 04-01-1982 | Registered |
DUNKVIEW PTY LTD | 14-01-1982 | Registered |
B & B CASEY PTY LTD | 15-01-1982 | Registered |
J. WYNDHAM PRINCE PTY LIMITED | 04-01-1982 | Registered |
DAYOM SERVICES PTY LTD | 14-01-1982 | Registered |
BULK CARGO STORAGE PTY. LTD. | 29-01-1982 | Registered |
HEATHCOTE SMASH REPAIRS PTY LTD | 28-01-1982 | Registered |
FORMIC PTY LTD | 11-01-1982 | Strike-off Action in Progress |
AUSTRALIAN CARTON MEATS PTY LTD | 11-01-1982 | Registered |
PETER HIGHLAND PROJECTS PTY LTD | 07-01-1982 | Registered |
ANTHONY M GREENBERG PTY LTD | 19-01-1982 | Registered |
ALMONDO PTY LTD | 21-01-1982 | Registered |