Sasf Pty. Ltd.'s Australian Company Number (ACN) is 064692762 and it's Australian Business Number (ABN) is 62064692762. Sasf Pty. Ltd.'s registered address is None. Sasf Pty. Ltd. was incorporated on 08-07-1994.
Sasf Pty. Ltd. is of Australian Proprietary Company Type. Sasf Pty. Ltd.'s Status is Registered.
ABN (Business Number) | 62064692762 |
ACN (Company Number) | 064692762 |
Business Name | SASF PTY. LTD. |
Company Type | Australian Proprietary Company (APTY) See other companies with same Type - APTY |
Company Class | Limited by Shares (LMSH) See other companies with same Class - LMSH |
Company SubClass | Proprietary Superannuation Trustee Tompany (PSTC) See other companies with same SubClass - PSTC |
Status | Registered (REGD) |
Registration Date | 08-07-1994 |
State of Registration | None () |
State Registration Number |
Sasf Pty. Ltd. was incorporated on 08-07-1994 in Australia.
Sasf Pty. Ltd. is classified as Australian Proprietary Company.
The status of Sasf Pty. Ltd. is Registered.
The ACN of Sasf Pty. Ltd. is 064692762.
* We are trying our best to keep all the data correct and up-to-date. It should be noted that it is not the primary source of the information on the company Sasf Pty. Ltd.. The official registry should always be referred for latest information.
Last Updated on 09-05-2021.
Company Name | Registration Date | Status |
THOMAS ROAD DEVELOPMENTS LTD | 06-07-1994 | Registered |
BAY PACIFIC PTY. LTD. | 01-07-1994 | Registered |
ALL HALLOWS' FOUNDATION LIMITED | 20-07-1994 | Registered |
JETTA EXPRESS PTY. LTD. | 11-07-1994 | Registered |
HUNG THANH PTY. LTD | 01-07-1994 | Registered |
MERLIN SECURITIES PTY LTD | 01-07-1994 | Registered |
SUPER COOL INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD | 07-07-1994 | Registered |
SASF PTY. LTD. | 08-07-1994 | Registered |
GOLDVANCE HOLDINGS PTY LTD | 01-07-1994 | Registered |
ETD PTY LTD | 01-07-1994 | Registered |
REGAL RAINBOW PTY LTD | 01-07-1994 | Registered |
PHILCAT INVESTMENTS PTY LIMITED | 07-07-1994 | Registered |
RECONQUISTA PTY LIMITED | 07-07-1994 | Registered |
VAICHETA PTY LIMITED | 07-07-1994 | Registered |
ENERGIS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD | 07-07-1994 | Registered |
ORD HYDRO PTY. LTD. | 07-07-1994 | Registered |
NORTH WESTERN ENERGY PTY. LIMITED | 07-07-1994 | Registered |
FLORIANOPOLIS PTY LIMITED | 07-07-1994 | Registered |