Max & Jas Associates's Australian Company Number (ACN) is 615825404 and it's Australian Business Number (ABN) is 13615825404. Max & Jas Associates's registered address is None. Max & Jas Associates was incorporated on 22-11-2016.
Max & Jas Associates is of Registered Australian Corporation Type. Max & Jas Associates's Status is Registered.
ABN (Business Number) | 13615825404 |
ACN (Company Number) | 615825404 |
Business Name | MAX & JAS ASSOCIATES |
Company Type | Registered Australian Corporation (RACN) See other companies with same Type - RACN |
Company Class | Does not have an equivalent Australian Liability (NONE) See other companies with same Class - NONE |
Company SubClass | Registrable Australian Corporation - Non Association (RACO) See other companies with same SubClass - RACO |
Status | Registered (REGD) |
Registration Date | 22-11-2016 |
State of Registration | None () |
State Registration Number |
Max & Jas Associates was incorporated on 22-11-2016 in Australia.
Max & Jas Associates is classified as Registered Australian Corporation.
The status of Max & Jas Associates is Registered.
The ACN of Max & Jas Associates is 615825404.
* We are trying our best to keep all the data correct and up-to-date. It should be noted that it is not the primary source of the information on the company Max & Jas Associates. The official registry should always be referred for latest information.
Last Updated on 06-05-2021.
Company Name | Registration Date | Status |
AUSTRALIAN SEWING GUILD LIMITED | 14-11-2016 | Registered |
ABDELJAWAD ELGHAZAWI PTY LTD | 03-11-2016 | Registered |
THUMPER MASSAGER INC. | 17-11-2016 | Registered |
SDL CLOSURES PTY LIMITED | 02-11-2016 | Registered |
ABUNDANT NATURAL HEALTH PTY LTD | 04-11-2016 | Registered |
SWIFT & MOORE PTY LTD | 07-11-2016 | Registered |
SOUTHWESTERN PTY. | 28-11-2016 | Registered |
NAXE PTY LTD | 02-11-2016 | Registered |
RIVIERA MARINE CENTRE PTY LTD | 18-11-2016 | Registered |
ETYMX PTY LTD | 21-11-2016 | Registered |
SINSPEC MARINE SERVICES PTE LTD | 07-11-2016 | Registered |
RINA CONSULTING S.P.A. | 17-11-2016 | Registered |
P.A.S. CONSULTING LTD | 08-11-2016 | Registered |
PEAK PRODUCTS PTY LIMITED | 16-11-2016 | Registered |
FGV MARKETERS INC. | 10-11-2016 | Registered |
LTE CONSTRUCTION GROUP PTY. LTD. | 10-11-2016 | Registered |
R.I.T.C.H FOUNDATION LIMITED | 18-11-2016 | Registered |
PW POWER SYSTEMS LLC | 16-11-2016 | Registered |