K Y Wong Pty Ltd Company Information

Current Status : Registered

K Y Wong Pty Ltd's Australian Company Number (ACN) is 003092126 and it's Australian Business Number (ABN) is 57003092126. K Y Wong Pty Ltd's registered address is New South Wales. K Y Wong Pty Ltd was incorporated on 01-05-1986.
K Y Wong Pty Ltd is of Australian Proprietary Company Type. K Y Wong Pty Ltd's Status is Registered.

Company Data

ABN (Business Number)57003092126
ACN (Company Number)003092126
Business NameK Y WONG PTY LTD
Company TypeAustralian Proprietary Company (APTY)
See other companies with same Type - APTY
Company ClassLimited by Shares (LMSH)
See other companies with same Class - LMSH
Company SubClassProprietary Other (PROP)
See other companies with same SubClass - PROP
StatusRegistered (REGD)
Registration Date01-05-1986
State of RegistrationNew South Wales (NSW)
State Registration Number37213110

Company Name History Information:

Previous NameStart Date
DATUNI PTY LTD01-09-1986


When was K Y Wong Pty Ltd incorporated?

K Y Wong Pty Ltd was incorporated on 01-05-1986 in Australia.

What is the type of K Y Wong Pty Ltd?

K Y Wong Pty Ltd is classified as Australian Proprietary Company.

What is the current status of K Y Wong Pty Ltd Company?

The status of K Y Wong Pty Ltd is Registered.

What is the ACN of K Y Wong Pty Ltd?

The ACN of K Y Wong Pty Ltd is 003092126.

* We are trying our best to keep all the data correct and up-to-date. It should be noted that it is not the primary source of the information on the company K Y Wong Pty Ltd. The official registry should always be referred for latest information.

Last Updated on 06-05-2021.

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