Bether Pty. Ltd.'s Australian Company Number (ACN) is 054575656 and it's Australian Business Number (ABN) is 15054575656. Bether Pty. Ltd.'s registered address is None. Bether Pty. Ltd. was incorporated on 11-02-1992.
Bether Pty. Ltd. is of Australian Proprietary Company Type. Bether Pty. Ltd.'s Status is De-registered.
ABN (Business Number) | 15054575656 |
ACN (Company Number) | 054575656 |
Business Name | BETHER PTY. LTD. |
Company Type | Australian Proprietary Company (APTY) See other companies with same Type - APTY |
Company Class | Limited by Shares (LMSH) See other companies with same Class - LMSH |
Company SubClass | Proprietary Other (PROP) See other companies with same SubClass - PROP |
Status | De-registered (DRGD) |
Registration Date | 11-02-1992 |
State of Registration | None () |
State Registration Number |
Bether Pty. Ltd. was incorporated on 11-02-1992 in Australia.
Bether Pty. Ltd. is classified as Australian Proprietary Company.
The status of Bether Pty. Ltd. is De-registered.
The ACN of Bether Pty. Ltd. is 054575656.
* We are trying our best to keep all the data correct and up-to-date. It should be noted that it is not the primary source of the information on the company Bether Pty. Ltd.. The official registry should always be referred for latest information.
Last Updated on 09-05-2021.
Company Name | Registration Date | Status |
DAIRY INNOVATION AUSTRALIA LIMITED | 13-02-1992 | External Administration (in receivership/liquidation) |
REVELIN GLOBAL PTY LTD | 28-02-1992 | Registered |
AUSTRALIAN AIR EXPRESS PTY LTD | 28-02-1992 | Registered |
ALLTOOLS (W.A.) PTY LTD | 12-02-1992 | Registered |
ASTEG (W.A.) PTY LTD | 12-02-1992 | De-registered |
NORTH EAST JEWELLERS PTY LTD | 07-02-1992 | Registered |
NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO PTE. LTD. | 20-02-1992 | Registered |
JADECROSS PTY. LIMITED | 04-02-1992 | Registered |
EMERALD FILMS PTY LTD | 06-02-1992 | Registered |
MARANICOR PTY LTD | 11-02-1992 | Registered |
TECH STAR INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. | 12-02-1992 | Registered |
BETHER PTY. LTD. | 11-02-1992 | De-registered |
HANDY PRODUCTS PTY. LTD. | 07-02-1992 | De-registered |
TIMBERCORP FINANCE PTY. LTD. | 10-02-1992 | External Administration (in receivership/liquidation) |
VILDEZ PTY. LTD. | 11-02-1992 | Registered |
RYMOT PTY. LTD. | 11-02-1992 | Strike-off Action in Progress |
RYMOX PTY. LTD. | 11-02-1992 | Registered |
RYMPLEX PTY. LTD. | 11-02-1992 | Registered |
RYMNEAN PTY. LTD. | 11-02-1992 | Registered |