A.c.n. 004 756 085 Pty's Australian Company Number (ACN) is 004756085 and it's Australian Business Number (ABN) is 89004756085. A.c.n. 004 756 085 Pty's registered address is Victoria. A.c.n. 004 756 085 Pty was incorporated on 18-12-1968.
A.c.n. 004 756 085 Pty is of Australian Proprietary Company Type. A.c.n. 004 756 085 Pty's Status is Registered.
ABN (Business Number) | 89004756085 |
ACN (Company Number) | 004756085 |
Business Name | A.C.N. 004 756 085 PTY |
Company Type | Australian Proprietary Company (APTY) See other companies with same Type - APTY |
Company Class | Unlimited Company (UNLM) See other companies with same Class - UNLM |
Company SubClass | Proprietary Other (PROP) See other companies with same SubClass - PROP |
Status | Registered (REGD) |
Registration Date | 18-12-1968 |
State of Registration | Victoria (VIC) |
State Registration Number | C0075404P |
Previous Name | Start Date |
J.G.L. INVESTMENTS PTY. | 28-02-2020 |
A.c.n. 004 756 085 Pty was incorporated on 18-12-1968 in Australia.
A.c.n. 004 756 085 Pty is classified as Australian Proprietary Company.
The status of A.c.n. 004 756 085 Pty is Registered.
The ACN of A.c.n. 004 756 085 Pty is 004756085.
* We are trying our best to keep all the data correct and up-to-date. It should be noted that it is not the primary source of the information on the company A.c.n. 004 756 085 Pty. The official registry should always be referred for latest information.
Last Updated on 05-05-2021.
Company Name | Registration Date | Status |
ACCED ELECTRONICS PTY LTD | 15-12-1968 | Registered |
JULFON INVESTMENTS PTY LTD | 04-12-1968 | Registered |
N.B. STONE & ASSOCIATES PTY LTD | 19-12-1968 | Registered |
RELIABLE OFFICE SERVICES PTY LTD | 03-12-1968 | Registered |
KRAGTEAM PASTORAL CO PTY LTD | 02-12-1968 | Registered |
LEON LAIDELY PTY LTD | 03-12-1968 | Registered |
HAVEN INVESTMENTS PTY LTD | 05-12-1968 | Registered |
LEARMONTS CORNER PTY LTD | 02-12-1968 | Registered |
G.A. GAMER PTY. LTD. | 11-12-1968 | Registered |
ALL TAPES (N.S.W.) PTY LTD | 03-12-1968 | Registered |
HAMBELLA PTY LTD | 02-12-1968 | Registered |
INSTINCT SYSTEMS PTY LTD | 18-12-1968 | Registered |
T P & M J HOLMES PTY LTD | 02-12-1968 | Registered |
DOMINION MINING LTD | 05-12-1968 | Registered |
MATTEL PTY LTD | 04-12-1968 | Registered |
ALPLAN PTY LTD | 03-12-1968 | Registered |
METAL SHAPERS (AUST) PTY LTD | 10-12-1968 | Registered |
RANCHORANA PTY LTD | 09-12-1968 | Registered |
PARHORN PROPERTIES PTY LTD | 17-12-1968 | Registered |