SHAYNE MCLAREN Business Information

Current ABN Status : Active

SHAYNE MCLAREN's Australian Business Number (ABN) is 11038408044. SHAYNE MCLAREN's registered address is NSW 2251. SHAYNE MCLAREN is of Individual/Sole Trader Type. It's legal name is SHAYNE MCLAREN and its main entity name is None. SHAYNE MCLAREN ASIC Number is None. It's GST Status is CAN. SHAYNE MCLAREN last recorded change was on 25-03-2010. SHAYNE MCLAREN's Status is Active.

SHAYNE MCLAREN other entities are SHAYNE PAINTING of type TRD, .

Business Data

ABN (Business Number)11038408044
Entity TypeIndividual/Sole Trader (IND)
Legal Entity TypeLGL
ASIC NumberNone (None)
AddressNSW 2251
ABN StatusActive (ACT)
ABN Status From Date14-07-2000
ABN Last Updated25-03-2010

Business Other Entities:

NameEntity Type

* We are trying our best to keep all the data correct and up-to-date. It should be noted that it is not the primary source of the information on the company SHAYNE MCLAREN. The official registry should always be referred for latest information.

Last Updated on 01-02-2024.

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