D.H LJUHAR & V LJUHAR Business Information

Current ABN Status : Cancelled

D.H LJUHAR & V LJUHAR's Australian Business Number (ABN) is 11024654681. D.H LJUHAR & V LJUHAR's registered address is QLD 4123. D.H LJUHAR & V LJUHAR is of Family Partnership Type. It's legal name is None and its main entity name is D.H LJUHAR & V LJUHAR. D.H LJUHAR & V LJUHAR ASIC Number is None. It's GST Status is CAN. D.H LJUHAR & V LJUHAR last recorded change was on 19-09-2007. D.H LJUHAR & V LJUHAR's Status is Cancelled.

D.H LJUHAR & V LJUHAR other entities are DAMIR & VERICA LJUHAR of type TRD, .

Business Data

ABN (Business Number)11024654681
Entity TypeFamily Partnership (FPT)
Main Entity TypeMN
ASIC NumberNone (None)
AddressQLD 4123
ABN StatusCancelled (CAN)
ABN Status From Date01-07-2007
ABN Last Updated19-09-2007

Business Other Entities:

NameEntity Type

* We are trying our best to keep all the data correct and up-to-date. It should be noted that it is not the primary source of the information on the company D.H LJUHAR & V LJUHAR. The official registry should always be referred for latest information.

Last Updated on 01-02-2024.

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