Tag - games

Company NameTypeStatus
Digital Games Lab LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Digital Games LimitedLive
DIRECTIVE GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Dorocat Games Company LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Top Dream Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Dream Fun Games Co., LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
DreamPulse Games LimitedLive
DynaWave Games LimitedLive
Echo Games LimitedLive
ELECTRONIC GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
BIG ELECTRONIC GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive Commenced dormancy on 07-Jul-2015
HO KAI ELECTRONIC GAMES ASSOCIATION LIMITEDCompany limited by guaranteeDissolved
ELITE GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
EMBATTLE GAMES CO., LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
EPARK GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
EverPlay Games LimitedLive
Extension Games LimitedLive
EYEDENTITY GAMES HK LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Faceroll Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
FATCAT GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Fedeen Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Fine Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
FINIFUGU GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Firebolt Online Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
FlowForge Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
Fun Games For Free LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Free Games LimitedLive
Freyr Games HK LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Fulwin Games LimitedLive
Funcat Games LimitedLive
GALACTICA GAMES CENTRE LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
GALAXY GAMES CENTRE LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
GAMES GALLERY LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
GEARMOON GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
GEARS SPORTS AND GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
GIDA TV GAMES COMPANY LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
1000 GIGA NET GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
New Glory Games LimitedLive
GLUCOSE GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Goat Games Company LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Godville Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Gohassle Games LimitedLive
GoodFun Games LimitedLive
Googie Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Goto Games Asia LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
GRAFFITI GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
Grande Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
GreenPlus Games LimitedLive
X Guild Games Co., LimitedLive
HaHa Games LIMITEDLive
Hall of Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
HAMI GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Hermosa Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Heyah Games LimitedLive
HIKARI GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Dobest Games Holding LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Honeybadger Games LimitedLive
Hong Kong Blockchain Games Association LimitedLive
Chuangqi Games (Hong Kong) LimitedLive
Hong Kong Estar Games Technology LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Kaffu Games Hong Kong LimitedLive
Redbud Games Hong Kong LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
TYPHOON GAMES (HONG KONG) LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
HotPlay Games LimitedLive
OYE INTERACTIVE GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
INTERSTELLAR SPACE GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
IRON GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
IronTube Games LimitedLive
Jelly Games LimitedLive
JIMI GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Jinguo Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Joyledo Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Katalyst Games Company LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Kick Ass Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
KISS MASH GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Koocell Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
KROY GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Lantu Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Lebon Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Lemon Games LimitedLive
Likelihood Games LimitedLive
YUEN LONG GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
LOOP GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Love Games Sports Co., LimitedLive
LUCIOLA GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Red Luck Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Lucky Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Ludoo Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Mailbee Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
Maloya Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
MAMO Games LimitedPrivate company limited by sharesLive
MANGA GAMES LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
mars games LimitedLive
MATCH MASTER GAMES HK LIMITEDPrivate company limited by sharesDissolved
Matrix Games LimitedLive