WIE Bio-tech Research Company Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Biotech Resources Co. Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
ALL RIGHT BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
All Right Way Biotech Limited | | Live |
Rihe biotech Limited | | Live |
RISING SUN BIOTECH CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
Rista Biotech Limited | | Live |
RITAN BIOTECH COMPANY LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
River Biotech Co., Limited | | Live |
Fortune River Biotech (HK) Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Robin Biotech System Limited | | Live |
HK YET ROLAND BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
RONG DA BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
RONG YU BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
HK TANGUIFEI ROSEWOOD BIOTECH SHARE LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
ROYAL 95 BIOTECH GROUP CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
RUITING BIOTECH GROUP CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
RUNBIO BIOTECH COMPANY LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
HK Runying Biotech Group Co., Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
HK RUOLANTANG BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
S.A.F.E. Biotech Limited | | Live |
SAILING BIO-TECH COMPANY LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SAMOYA BIO-TECH CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SANFORI BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
HK CHA SANG YUEN BIOTECH HOLDINGS LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
HONG KONG CHI SANG YUEN BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
HK SANGHERB BIO-TECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SANISWISS BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SANSON (FRANCE) BIO-TECH CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Sansure Biotech Co., Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Sante Infini Biotech Company Limited | | Live |
Sanwa BioTech Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Sanwa BioTech Investment Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SBCVC IV Biotech Company Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SCHWEITZER BIOTECH COMPANY LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
BIOTECH SCIENTIFIC LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Tokyo Biotech (Japan) Kyoto Scientific Research Limited | | Live |
Scivision Biotech Inc Limited | | Live |
SEIT Biotech Company Limited | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
Senochem Biotech Co., Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Senovac Biotech Limited | | Live |
SENTEC BIOTECH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
BIO-TECH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
BIO-TECH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
TOP POINT SERVICE BIOTECH COMPANY LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Seth Biotech Limited | | Live |
SHANDONG CHENXIAO BIO-TECH CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SHANDONG RUNXIN BIOTECH CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SHANDONG YUXIN BIO-TECH (HONGKONG) BRANCH CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SHANDONG GREEN BIOTECH CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SHANDONG NATURAL BIOTECH CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Shang Li Biotech Hong Kong Limited | | Live |
CHINA SHANGHAI SEEINGLONG BIO-TECH PHARMACEUTICS LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
SHANGHAI HC BIOTECH CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SHANGHAI KORAIN BIOTECH CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
HK LEELOO (SHANGHAI) BIOTECH DEV. LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
Shanghai Biotech Devices Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
HK LANYU BIOTECH SHARE LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
HK SHENGSHIHUAYAN BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
GERMANY SHEPH BIO-TECH GROUP CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Shineway Biotech Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
CHI SHING BIOTECH COMPANY LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
CHI SHING BIOTECH (DOCTOREYES) COMPANY LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Shiny 9S Biotech Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Top ShunXing Bio-Tech Co., Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Sianfong (HK) Biotech Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Silk Link Biotech Limited | | Live |
Silk Link Biotech Limited | | Live |
Sincere And Eternal Biotech Co., Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Sinclair Biotech Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Singularity Biotech And Trading Group Co., Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SINO CAPITAL BIOTECH COMPANY LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
HK SINO EARTH BIO-TECH ENGINEERING LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
Sino Agro Bio-Tech Holdings Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SINOBASE BIOTECH COMPANY (HK) LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
Sinolarge Biotech Limited | | Live |
Sinoprotein Biotech Company Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Sino-Sun Bio-Tech Co., Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Newbori Sinova Biotech Factory Co., Limited | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
Sinovac Biotech (Hong Kong) Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SPEEDY SKILL BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SKLEW BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Smart Biotech Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SMARTGREEN BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SmartPEP Biotech Group Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SmartPEP Biotech (Hong Kong) Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Snow Peak Biotech Company Limited | | Live |
SOMAGRAM BIOTECH COMPANY LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
SOMATIC BIO-TECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |
SPAN BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Spirita Biotech Company Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
HK EASTERN SPLENDOR BIOTECH COMPANY LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Joy Sport Biotech Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
Springfield Biotech Limited | Private company limited by shares | Live |
STANFORD BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
STAR BIOTECH CO., LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Live |
WEALTH STAR BIOTECH LIMITED | Private company limited by shares | Dissolved |